Success Is Not For Everybody (12 Reasons You Should Avoid) – Javnyuy Joybert

Success Is Not For Everybody (12 Reasons You Should Avoid)

You know there is this prayer that men of God always pray. For example, they will say “The grace of God in this commission will set you apart from your peers”. Many Christians will shout a loud Amen and remain the same year after year. 

Any man of God who makes that prayer and does not advise you to go do your part and work out your success salvation is deceiving you. Grace only sets you apart when you set yourself apart when it comes to putting in the required work and commanding excellent competence. 

Success is not for everybody. Let me break your heart. 

1. Success is not for you, if you do not study to show thyself approved

2. Success is not for you, if you procrastinate important tasks (you have become Chief Procrastination Officer – CPO)

3. Success is not for you, if you are fun of starting things and never finishing. Your life is full of incomplete tasks and projects

4. Success is not for you, if you have a PhD in ABC curriculum. A: Abuse B: Blame C: Complain

5. Success is not for you, if you have a long term relationship with too much television and social media ranting. Busy but not productive

6. Success is not for you, if you do not disrupt old personal patterns like old bad habits to instill new productive ones.


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7. Success is not for you, if you hang out with area boys and girls who are not concerned about their tomorrow (future) and only drink, smoke and party. 

8. Success is not for you, if you are in a serious sleeping competition with your former self.

9. Success is not for you, if you let fear determine your next action and you do not take calculated risks 

10. Success is not for you, if you are not willing to accept advice and counseling from someone who is worth giving. Wisdom can be gained by requesting counsel from those who are qualified to give advice (Proverbs 15:22). 

11. Success is not for you, if you do not have a clear personal, career and business vision. The Bible says, James 1:5-8 tells us that a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.

12. Success is not for you, if you do not have the drive. Drive is what propels you forward so that you can achieve your goals. It is essential to have zeal and determination

I have 2 questions for you;

Is success for you? Are you doing what is required?

What does success really mean to you?


Dr. Javnyuy Joybert

Mr Remarkable

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